an intending father

Sunday, October 02, 2005

scientifico-mysterio babio processio

I’ve experienced that kind of feeling, maybe others know it, of entering a waiting room wondering if yr appointment was for this week or last.

This baby thing is not a science, but still needs a scientific understanding. A friend recently told me about the birth of her son who was a month overdue, apparently. When he was born he looked the doctor in the eye and the doctor remarked “He’s been around.”

Several people I told about the missing week asked me what could cause it (interestingly enough all without kids) and because I like to bluff my answers and appear knowledgeable I said something about the perfect vessel and the secret fire that speeds up the process. I also followed that up with a few samples of stories I have thus far collected, including the one above, and then concluded by citing one of the several midwives with ‘it’s just babies’.

But maybe it’s not just babies but a miniature allegory of revolution. I was reading a Zamayatin essay and he states:

“The law of revolution is red, fiery, deadly; but this death means the birth of a new life, a new star. And the law of entropy is cold, ice blue, like the icy interplanetary infinities.”

Which is similar to the way the country is currently showing it’s colours as the special votes are counted and how that balance between Red and blue has gone (which is probably a good reason to go Green).

It’s interesting if one thinks about colour combinations. At the moment our little monster is probably seeing red and black. The Red being light filtering through the blackness. Which leads to the question of when does a child become conscious of the sky? I also like the question at what age children learn to use the word “and”, which facilitates placing things together, or making connections.

With this whole missing week thing, I think the way to read it is that science has shown us a mystery.

Good enough for me.


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