an intending father

Monday, October 03, 2005

Cosmobiological thoughts

By now, readers may have guessed that this whole missing week has given me some difficulty. The other day I was talking to a friend who has two teenage kids and he said, much like the midwives, babies arn’t a predictable science. I replied “no, but astrology is.”

Benjamin Walker writes:

“Why a child is born at one time and not another is a mystery, but it has been suggested that cosmobiological factors play a decisive part in it. To start with, conception itself appears to be linked with cosmic and planetary influences and these may well determine the child’s exit from the womb nine months later.” (Encyclopedia of Esoteric Man, Routledge, Kegan and Paul:1977)

While a change of a week doesn’t make too much difference, the most noticeable change is the position of the moon in the natal chart. My mother has often remarked that a full moon is a hectic time to be a midwife and while she may patiently listen to my esoteric ramblings she wouldn’t go out a buy a box of it.

Now the moon has often been called “the great midwife” and with this change in due date the moon has changed and so has, shall we say, the potential structure of our child’s subconscious.

The two charts show the difference. The bottom one being the newer due date.
(For some reason, perhaps some ghost in the machine, the charts I want keep going warped and arn't the ones I downloaded. So I give up, if you want to see the charts just google "free birth chart" and then fill in appropriate details. Or, likewise, get a piece of paper a compass a protracter a Ephemeris, then on the piece of paper draw a circle, divide that into twelve houses of 36 degrees each and so forth and so on....) (I have left what ever chart for whoever it is up here. The chart here is not the right one I simply leave it here so those who may never have seen a astrological chart know what one looks like.)
One interesting change is that the new birth date places the moon in my Sun sign of Aquarius. Also with the change there is a five pointed upright Star formed from five of the planets.


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