an intending father

Monday, November 14, 2005

Further thoughts on hospital versus home birth

A while back we met with Bridget at the hospital delivery suits to have a look at them as an option for the birth. Unfortunately there are only the two options here; hospital or home.

The hospital rooms were quite large and had a separate screened-off bathroom with a toilet and shower/bath. The bath was a decent size. We also saw a birthing pool which they have available. The rooms had some post natal resuscitation equipment and various policy and procedures laminated and stuck to the wall. Apparently the rooms had only been painted six years ago but they hadn’t aged well and there was the distinct feeling of ‘80s institutionalize.

It is an unfortunate fact that in this area there is no inbetween. I have suggested to Sicily that we make the decision democratically. Because there are only the two of us with voting rights (although we listen to all the advisors, we do!) I have suggested that my vote counts for 30% and Sicily’s vote counts for 50% and their is amargin of 20% for the baby to throw its’ lot in. Thus, if Sicily has half a mind to have a home birth and I fully want a home birth then that tallies to a vote of 30% plus 25% from sicily, which gives us a majority of 55%.

Naturally enough, the baby’s vote of 20% could swing things either way, and Bridget agrees that we might well make up our mind on the day.


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